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cyber threats

Three cyber threats to look out for when working from home

For almost a year now, many of us have been working from home. With the lockdown still ongoing - though potentially with the end in sight - many are still working remotely. While it might be protecting our health, we can’t forget to protect…
mobile phone security

Four simple tips for mobile phone security

There was a time where our phones were just big, chunky bricks only capable of calling other people. Now they’re our digital Swiss Army knife, with cloud storage, emails, messaging, a calculator, and hundreds of apps that help us with work…
vulnerable online

Five simple mistakes that can leave you vulnerable online

By now, we’re all well aware of how dangerous the online world can be. We know not to send our card details to some Nigerian prince who turns up in our spam folder. And we know we shouldn’t leave our password written on a post-it note stuck…
patch management

How to ensure you and your tech are as safe as possible

It’s no surprise that cybersecurity has rocketed up many companies’ list of priorities. The number of UK businesses who fell victim to a cyberattack has majorly increased, especially in the last year. And it’s not as if the bigger the…

Latest Cyber Security News

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